Futon Beds - Function and Style

It seems like everyone, at one point or another in their lives, has owned a futon beds. Oddly enough, not that many people are aware that futon is a Japanese term, and refers to an item very similar to the one we know in western cultures. Apparently, according to Japanese lore, futons were originally constructed by samurai who couldn't master sword play.

Anyway, getting back to futons beds and why they matter to you. As mentioned, in western cultures, the common futon bed is one what doubles as a sofa. These futon sofa beds have a number of selling points. What isn't so simple, unfortunately, is buying a futon sofa bed. Chief among your concerns, like any other piece of furniture, should be comfort. Futons can be notoriously uncomfortable.

It can be a potential problem in a futon beds. And, again, just to be clear, we are not talking about a futon bunk bed that you might be considering for your kid's room. Getting back to how you should go about buying a futon bed. Now, I also understand that not everyone has time to visit a futon store, or perhaps doesn't have a store in their area that sells them

Futon Beds - Comfortable and Cheap

Futon beds are perfect for students living in dorm rooms, single people in cramped apartments and homes, and for kids - and they can also find a spot in the den as an extra bed for sleepovers and unexpected guests during the holidays. The futon itself serves as a sofa or couch when the bed is not in use.

Away at College
Since there is limited space in these living quarters, futon beds serve double duty as providing a place to sit and relax as well as a spot for sleeping. 

Apartment Living
You can easily turn a one-bedroom apartment into a two-bedroom apartment by placing a futon bed in the living room. And if you have guests, voila! Placing a futon in the den, living room, or other area of the home for overnight guests to use is a smart move. 

Buying Them
You can find futon beds at most furniture stores, big box retailers, and online.

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