Sort Through the Dizzying Array of Kids Furniture Choices

Even beyond the furniture, your child's room is a blank canvas, where you create different kinds of environments by changing the floor covering and wallpaper at any stage of their growth and development. But kid furniture can be tougher. It is often more expensive then floor and wall coverings. It helps if your child is old enough to have a grasp of what they want their room to look like. It's a slightly different story if there is more than one child living in a room, but even bunk beds leave a lot of room for design. 
Today there are numerous types of materials being used to make kid furniture. Plastic furniture has the benefit of being lightweight, cheap and fairly easy to change. But the downside is that cheaper versions of plastic have a tendency to splinter or crack. Neither is a great thing to have around kids - particularly younger ones.

Kid furniture with wood furniture (not the press board or particle board types, but real, solid wood) is much heavier, and several times more expensive. Wood always seems to stand the test of time, and its beauty is a nice bonus!

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